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Why Use Facebook Lead Form Ads?

October 3, 2019
Why Use Facebook Lead Form Ads?

So, you’ve had success with Google Ads and other various channels by sending your PPC traffic to one or more landing pages to capture those Marketing Quality Leads (MQLs) or Sales Quality Leads (SQLs) with great success.

Due to your success with other channels, you have decided that Facebook would be another viable option to send traffic to your landing pages to capture even more leads.

Boom. You start a Facebook campaign to boost your lead generation, but soon realize that Facebook is not capturing as many leads as you hope. As a result, you are spending at an exorbitant rate.

Keep in mind that this applies to Instagram as well (if you directly select Instagram as a placement or select auto-placement for your ads, your ads will be served on Instagram as well).


Now, of course, this may not happen to everyone, but if it does or has happened to you, this is the perfect article series to read.


I will be talking about Facebook lead form ads and how they may be the game changer you need to utilize in order to juice as many leads out of Facebook as possible.


Facebook is inherently a different channel in that users are not searching for the service you provide as they are on other paid channels (e.g., a search engine known as Google if you’ve ever heard of it).


To digress a bit, searches on search engines like Google are intent based. Users on these channels are looking for the service that you provide when they perform a search and are willing to go to your landing page and become a lead if you provide a good experience and clearly offer the service that they want.


Now, this is not to say that all users on Facebook haven’t already performed or won’t ever perform a search for the service you provide. But they are definitely less likely to enjoy being taken from their “Facebook experience” to go to your landing page and fill out a form, make a purchase, etc.


Facebook form ads are a great interplay between serving ads on a different platform while also capturing those desired leads you are looking for.

This is because Facebook lead form ads keeps users in their “Facebook experience.” Users aren’t taken away from their dopamine induced sessions of scrolling and liking posts—and potentially participating in their own rants or rants of friends—because they are given the option to stay on the Facebook platform.


It is not that there still isn’t an annoyance about being served an ad while on Facebook; however, the fact that clicking on a lead form ad doesn’t lead to a separate browser or tab to be opened raises the success rate of a form being filled out.


Users can simply fill out their name, number, email, etc. and be right back on their way to a scrolling frenzy.

Setting up a lead form ad

You do need access to a business manager account and page where you access Publishing Tools to create a form.

Here, you have an option to write a paragraph describing your service or the action you want the user to perform. You also have the option to write 5 bullet points if you think this would work better. My suggestion would be to A/B test both options.

You can then further qualify your leads by adding in questions to make sure they are the demographic/persona you are looking for. Some examples of these questions are work information (such as job titles if you are looking for particular job positions to market to), demographic information (such as marital status if that matters for your marketing efforts) and even a chance to ask custom questions (any question or questions that Facebook doesn’t inherently provide that are imperative to qualifying leads for your business specifically can be asked here).

After this, you will need to input the privacy policy page from your website. You have the option to type out a custom disclaimer as well.

Lastly, you have the option to customize your thank you message. Users can be given the option to go to a designated landing page of your choice if they click on the link which you choose to display. 


Integrate your CRM with lead form ads.


Another great feature of these lead form ads is that you can usually integrate your client relationship management (CRM) software with these lead form ads. So, every time someone fills out your lead form, this lead will automatically populate within your CRM.

* Unfortunately, not all CRMs have direct integrations with Facebook; however, most can be integrated through other means such as Zapier or other integration platforms. *


You will most likely need to set up custom parameters to have lead data populate within your CRM; however, once you figure this out, it is much easier to have everything within your CRM than manually downloading a document with all of the leads.

Keep in mind that:

1)    Timeliness is key in most cases for converting these leads. Having leads automatically populate within your CRM will save you time from manually downloading these leads via Facebook.


2)    All the leads you get will be ordered and in flow with the process you have always used with your leads.


Stay tuned for the next article on Facebook lead form ads where I will go more in depth about strategic ways to utilize these lead form ads!

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