Programmatic Display Advertising

Our programmatic display team can help you reach virtually the entire internet through advanced audience targeting and real time bidding.

"It's a pleasure to work the team over at AdventurePPC. Bringing on an agency isn't always easy, but the AdventurePPC team has been timely in their executions and helped us develop key strategies for important sales periods."

Jason Maryne


Marketing Director

What is programmatic display advertising?

Google AdWords search campaigns certainly help you reach the users with the most commercial intent (readiness to buy), but your inventory is limited to the people actively searching for the products and services you sell.

Leveraging the display network will let you reach hundreds of millions of users each day as they browse the web. But we’ll make sure your ads are only shown on high quality websites and to high quality visitors interested in what you sell.

We have experience working with all the major ad exchanges and a number of industry-leading DSP's (Demand Side Platforms).

The display network (showing your ads on other websites) is the best way to pick up cheap traffic at high volume.

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Types Of Display Ads

The display network is a vast landscape with many different available ad formats. Each ad format has it’s pros and cons, and each work better under certain circumstances more than others. We’ll be designing and bidding on the ad formats that most closely align with your marketing goals.

Text Ads

Same as an ad on Google Search. Includes a headline, two lines of text (35 characters each), and a URL.

Image Ads

These ads let you include relevant images, customized layouts, and background colors.

Dynamic Product Ads

Automatically promote relevant products from your entire catalog across any device.

Video Ads

Create an ad and embed a video that plays directly within it. Further customize video ads with image galleries and calls to action.

Interactive Ads

Interactive ads are essentially image ads that have interactive elements, animations, or other aspects that can change depending on who is looking at the ad and how they interact with the ad.

Gmail Ads

Image and text ads show directly inside the Gmail inbox of your target customer. Advertisers are charged when the ad is fully expanded inside the inbox.

Fully in-house team of passionately stubborn braniacs

With offices in NYC, Fort Lauderdale, and Philadelphia, our account managers bring over 150 years of combined experience to your account. While automation and AI are crucial, there’s nothing that replaces the thoughtfulness real humans bring to your very real budgets.

You’ll love your ROI, but you’ll love our people even more (well, maybe not).

One figure says it all: 128% average increase in revenue within 2 months of working with AMG. What more can you ask for? If you want to know your Google account is being managed to its full potential, AdVenture Media Group is the only option. Truly the best of the best Google Ad management available anywhere. We've been with AMG now for almost 1 year and since bringing them onboard, average revenue is up 128% consistently month to month. Easily the best investment we've made. The entire team - Erica, Ari, and others - are responsive to requests and discussions. They always have great ideas on how to maximize ad performance and save money where possible. I get the sense they truly care about their customer's performance and treat our ad budget as their own. Don't roll the dice on their competitors. AMG will get you the results you want. Period.

Danny Payne



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New York
1074 Broadway
Woodmere, NY

1617 John F. Kennedy Blvd
Philadelphia, PA

333 Las Olas Way
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

General Inquiries
(516) 218-3722